婦女基金會於2015年開始推行為基層初中女生而設的「Girls Go Tech學校計劃」,旨在啟發她們對STEM學科的興趣,並鼓勵她們選修有關科目,以擴闊將來的職業選擇。同時希望透過計劃提升學生的自信心、解難、創意和合作等基本技能,以達成將來的學業和事業目標。
為惠及更多有需要的女學生,以及促進資源共享及應用,我們已於2020年整合上述兩項計劃為「Girls Go Tech」計劃,並開放此計劃予更多本地基層中學女學生參加。有興趣參與的中學可參考計劃詳情。
Launched in 2015, TWF's Girls Go Tech (GGT) School Programme is a year-long school-based programme that aims to encourage female secondary school students from underprivileged backgrounds to pursue traditionally male-dominated STEM-related subjects to maximise their future career options. Through the Programme, students develop skills including self-confidence, problem-solving, creativity and collaboration, to help achieve their future academic and career goals.
To sustain and further develop female students interest in STEM, the GGT Alumni Programme was launched in 2019, including a resources sharing platform with self-learning online courses alongside real-life activities. We hope to foster interactions among GGT participants and teachers across different schools, and to create a hub for advancing STEM education by connecting various stakeholders in the community including STEM subject matter experts, teachers and corporates.
To benefit more female students and leverage resources sharing, the above programmes have been integrated into the "Girls Go Tech Programme" in 2020. It is now open to secondary schools that serve a proportion of students from deprived backgrounds. For schools who are interested in joining the Programme, please find more information here.